Saturday, August 16, 2014


This morning I woke up. Thank god. Then I immediately rolled one up and enjoyed the serenity of leisure in my basement. I’m writing a play, it’s called Canton Crossing. My goal is to have it performed in some local theatre for Christmas. Wish me luck. If you recall in my last post I talked about only speaking the truth. Well the truth is Truth and I have had a complicated relationship in the past. When I said that lies were a manifestation of fear and insecurities I meant it. There are levels to lying, and in my opinion exaggerating, omitting and downplaying do count. Sometimes I exaggerate because I feel like the actual story won’t be as entertaining. Or omit out of fear of being judged. I downplay so I don’t have t offer any further explanations. I own it. Whatever. So going forward, I’ll keep this in mind. Jewels don’t form overnight right? We are all working progress. In the beginning I thought that sharing my journey would be beneficial to others, but even if no one reads it, it’s helping me. It’s easy to tell the truth when you don’t know whose listening or of any one is even listening at all. This is a safe place. That’s all for now. Enjoy your Saturday! Oh..p.s.: Im working on a website so that I can have a more interactive way of communicating with you all. If you have any suggestions leave me comment.
                                                                                                To my jewels and gems with love,


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Campaign

My, my how things have changed. Not too long ago I came across a quote from Tracee Ellis Ross which read, “ I am learning every day to allow the space between where I am and where I want to be to inspire me and not terrify me”. Growth can be intimidating but lately I’ve realized that the thought of remaining where I am frightens me far more. I had hoped that if I let my aspirations outgrow my circumstances then the manifestation of my dreams would be inevitable. Not true. Faith without work is dead. So I have decided to make some changes. My experience of the world and in the world depends solely upon how I choose to navigate it. Every day I wake up and exist. I don’t change anything, create anything or become anything. Deepak Chopra says, “the source of all creation is pure consciousness, pure potentiality seeking expression from the unmanifest to the manifest.” The synchronization of mind, body and spirit is the key to living a fully present life, and in that space of alignment is where peace and creativity dwell. This is what inspired the Jewel Campaign. There are three keys to being a Jewel:
1.       Discipline: In order to achieve anything you must finish it. Following through on your goals and aspirations despite of fear or insecurities can be terrifying but rewarding. Feel the fear, and do it anyway.
2.       Awareness: Be aware of how your thoughts, decisions and actions affect the world and other people. Don’t alter them to please people, but be present in the idea of making a change.
3.       Compassion: The world is a huge place and the extent of suffering, poverty and pain that stretches out across this world is infinite. Take time out of your day to learn and think about what is happening outside of your own situation.
Simple enough right? So here are the goals I have set for myself this week:
1.       I will only speak what is true for me. Lies are the manifestation of fear and uncertainty
2.       I will educate myself on at least one world issue every day
3.       I will write every day. To better my craft I must better myself
4.       I will be active in contributing positivity to someone or something. A good deed never hurt anyone
5.       I will work out at least 30 minutes a day. My body is a temple.
What can you do to be a Jewel?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              To my jewels and gems with love,

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

"When you learn, teach."

Some of you might be wondering what the point of this blog is. Allow me to explain. This past semester (college student) I found myself in a dark place. I was reserved. I went from class to my room, where I would sit for most, sometimes the whole day, in the dark. Phone off, ignoring my family and friends. At the time I was  not sure what got me there or even what was keeping me there. Things are clearer to me now.I was an out of shape mediocre student, struggling financially, dying creatively, and resenting it all. Happiness is a perspective. Inspiration stems from experience. You cant have either of those things in a dark room. I used to be like most of the world. Waiting for happiness and opportunity to fall out of the sky. I knew I wanted to be act since I was 5 years old.  So I challenged myself to make this year count. Make this year different. I challenged myself to live as a jewel. I am on my way to greatness and I would love to share my journey with you.
This blog is the first step. In sharing my truth, I hope to inspire others to find the Jewel in them. "When you learn, teach. When you get, give." -Maya Angelou.
              To my Jewels and Gems with love,

Monday, May 26, 2014

Don't Wait

Procrastination is a disease. It starts off small, almost undetectable. "I'll do it tomorrow" or "Whats the rush?" Before you know it you'll have more yesterdays than tomorrow's and your dreams will have never amounted to anything tangible. The life you wanted never existed beyond the boundaries of your mind. You never won that award, got that job, knew real love, married that guy or had those children.  You never experienced anything outside what your circumstances gave to you. You created nothing because you never finished anything. To change your life you must first change your lifestyle. Make a change. Be consistent. We can do this!  Good things come to those who wait, but greatness comes to those who kick down the doors!    
      To my jewels and gems with love,

Sunday, May 25, 2014

A Jewel. A Journey

My name is Emerald. For centuries the emerald has been believed to be a symbol of hope and faith. The stone of prophecy. Precious and pure. I dream in color and imagine in 3D. I am an actress. A writer. A visionary. I create characters whose lives play in my mind like movies. Moments of their humanity flash across my brain like pictures. I live to tell their stories, my story, our story. I want to be seen. I want to be heard. I want to be remembered. I fear my dreams as much as I crave them. They excite me and intimidate me. I am a jewel. A jewel realizes that all the greatness that is destined for it's life, already exists within them. Our dreams are not some intangible concepts floating above us. We don't have to reach them, we have to access them. This awakening opened my eyes to the true definition of self-love. I love what I am. I love what I am becoming. I am on journey to access my greatness. I am in pursuit of the greatness that I'm destined. Join me! What are your dreams? Lets get there together.
                                                                    To my Jewels and Gems with love,